
Cam Pie is committed to promptly investigating and resolving all complaints and appeals.

To report any media, please send an email to including your name, email address or username, relevant URLs (if available), a description of the problem (such as underage material, non-consensual content, personal information, impersonation, trademark infringement, spam, prostitution or trafficking, weapons, drugs, etc.), and any additional information you deem important (e.g., your involvement in the content, consent for recording or publication on Cam Pie).

If you have been depicted in any content on the Cam Pie platform and would like to appeal removal of such content, please notify Cam Pie via email at Should there be any disagreement regarding the Appeal, the disagreement will be resolved by a neutral body.

Our goal is to address all reports within a maximum of seven (7) business days, offering concise instructions to prevent future occurrences of the reported issue. In cases where a violation has been established, we will assess the situation and implement the appropriate remedy promptly. Any content found to be illegal will be promptly removed. Please note that we do not have jurisdiction over activities occurring on other platforms or offline, and therefore, we cannot take action against users in those contexts. However, we may recommend that you block the reported user to prevent further interactions between you and them.

To submit an appeal regarding abuse takedowns, please email and provide a written description outlining the grounds for your appeal. In cases where disagreements regarding consent cannot be resolved internally, we will engage a neutral arbitration association at our cost to address such disputes. If further action is taken or if we require additional information from you, we will contact you via email or another electronic means of communication.

We retain the authority to apply escalated measures against users who (1) consistently breach our regulations or (2) commit a severe violation of our guidelines. Such advanced measures may encompass, but are not limited to, the removal of the offending user's account and a permanent ban from accessing Cam Pie in the future.